
ML Systems Integrator Pte Ltd

+65 6990 9055

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    Ragnar Locker is deploying Windows XP virtual machines to encrypt victim's files while evading detecting from security software installed on the host. It is the latest ransomware launched at the end of December 2019 targeting corporate networks in company-wide attacks, also well known for its attack on energy giant Energias de Portugal (EDP), where the attackers asked for a $10.9 million ransom after claiming to have...

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    Expect to see shortcut keys like Ctrl + Alt + Del and Alt + F4? Nah. This is a list of no common sense and little-known computer tips you will actually use.     Google Chrome     To open Chrome’s built-in task manager: Press Shift+ Esc. Extremely useful when Chrome freezes.   To remove specific suggestion: Select the suggestion, then press Shift+ Delete. Go and delete your embarrassing searches now.   To drag multiple tabs to a new window: Press Ctrl+ Click...

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